Humidification Panels (Humidifying Pads)

Humidification panels or humidifying pads are employed in air handling installations in order to maximise humification and cooling efficiency, limiting pressure drops and the plant costs.
Refill-Tech Solutions produces two different models of humification panels which are widely employed in building and industrial air handling and for adiabatic cooling purposes. 
The products can be cut-to-size and are of the highest performance on the market both from the point of view of heat and mass exchange and for their high mechanical strength. The latest arrival in the product range, Synth Pad is one of the more recent patents obtained by Refill-Tech Solutions S.r.l.

• Increase in plant efficiency

• Low pressure drops
• High mechanical strength

• Simplicity of positioning thanks to the modularity

• Lightweight, permitting ease of handling

• Long service life
• Self-supporting

• Recyclable material

  • HPC4545

    HPC 4545 (Humidifying Panel Cellulose – 45° x 45°) is a humidifying pad obtained by the assembly of corrugated cellulose sheets, which have been impregnated with appropriate additives and resins. These chemicals confer a great mechanical resistance, making the panels self-supporting, inhibit the formation of mould and increasing the useful product life.

    Technical Characteristics
    Material of ConstructionCellulosa
    Height 1000/1500/2000 mm
    Width 600 mm
    Depth 100/150/200 mm


  • HPC4545AC

    HPC 4545 AC (Humidifying Panel Cellulose – 45° x 45° - Adiabatic Cooling) is a humidifying pad obtained by the assembly of corrugated cellulose sheets, which have been impregnated with appropriate additives and resins. These chemicals confer a great mechanical resistance, making the panels self-supporting, inhibit the formation of mould and increasing the useful product life.

    Technical Characteristics
    Material of ConstructionCellulose
    Height 1000/1500/2000 mm
    Width 600 mm
    Depth 50/75/100/150 mm


  • hpg

    HPG (Humidifying Panel Cellulose Glass fiber - 7mm) is a self-supporting humidification panel made with corrugate sheets in glass fiber. Glass fiber confers an excellent ability to absorb water, incombustibility, inihibts mold formation increasing the useful life. 

    Technical Characteristics
    Material of ConstructionGlass fiber
    Height 1000/1500/2000 mm
    Width 600 mm
    Depth 50/200/300 mm


  • Synthpad

    Synth Pad (Synthetic Pad) Is a humidifying pad obtained by the assembly of thermoformed sheets of self-extinguishing PVC, with a surface coating made with cellulose fibers, commonly known as Rayon.

    Technical Characteristics
    Material of ConstructionPVC 
    Height 1200/1500/1800 mm
    Width 600 mm
    Depth 100/150/200 mm


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